Primary - Improved biodiversity: 2007 Peterborough wet woodland creation

RWS theme(s)
Natural Environment: “To promote the establishment and management of woodland within an integrated functional landscape to protect the historic environment and enhance biodiversity.” Action: NE3b

23 hectares of wet woodland created.

Wet Woodlands occur on poorly drained and seasonally wet soils. The dominant trees species are Alder, Willow and Downy birch.

Wet Woodland is a priority habitat under the UK Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) because it provides habitat for many important species, but has been subjected to many pressures in the past leading to its decline.

Initiative description
This is a comprehensive scheme with a dedicated officer who mapped existing wet woodland, identified potential sites for wet woodland within Peterborough, then approached landowners, encouraging them with grants to secure their commitment to individual schemes and duly secure woodland creation.

Lesson(s) learned
The Peterborough wet woodland project proves that a comprehensive approach tacking an issue on a number of levels secures real dividends and promises to provide more wet woodland sites into the future. The most important point is that having a dedicated person in Peterborough has given landowners enthusiasm and confidence to create wet woodland.

Future developments
Another 18 hectares of wet woodland will be provided in Peterborough and up to a further 24 hectares may be possible. Five similar wet woodland projects have been rolled out in the region.

Web link

Website by Dynamic Creative.